We are committed to the Triple Bottom Line approach to sustainability and aim to minimise waste sent to landfill while maximising reuse and recycling. We recognise that the amount of waste generated is a product of the design and material specification, as well as site practices.
We will bear down on the issue from the earliest stage, recognising that small changes to the design and specification can make a significant difference to the amount of waste generated. Identifying these options early means they can be implemented more easily without detriment to programme or budget.
We have applied this proven methodology for several years, enabling us to deliver projects and frameworks in line with sustainability goals. We are committed to setting and achieving challenging sustainability targets, as well as sharing best practice.
Net Zero Carbon Business commitments
Rigorous net zero targets carry a promise of strong climate action that is aligned with the Paris Agreement and limiting warming to 1.5°C. At a time of climate emergency, setting out a robust pathway to achieving net zero emissions has become a new proxy for climate ambition.
For SER Contractor, there are a number of benefits to setting a net zero target, which include:

As a contractor, we are hoping that strong support will energise our sector to work with our clients, designers and supply chains to act.
“As founding signatories’’, SER Contractor have committed to:
Raise awareness of the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the urgent need for mitigation and adaptation action amongst our employees, clients, peers, collaborators and supply chains.
Advocate for faster change in our industry towards regenerative practices and higher Governmental investment to support a just transition, in line with UK Government and CLC Sustainable Development Goals.
Establish climate mitigation and adaptation principles, as well as maximise biodiversity and air quality enhancement. This will be demonstrated through commitments, actions, and achievements. Trust us and our key supply chains on setting targets for our own emissions and for the assets we design and build, using recognised standards aligned to the 1.5-degree scenario.
- Share knowledge and research on an open-source basis, to address the climate and biodiversity emergencies.
- Evaluate all new projects against the aim to contribute positively to mitigating climate and biodiversity breakdown, to adapt to climate change using nature-based solutions and encourage our clients to adopt this approach.
- Support the upgrade of existing assets for extended use as a more carbon efficient alternative to demolition and new build whenever there is a viable choice.
- Support and promote the use of life cycle costing, whole life carbon modelling and post occupancy evaluation/performance measurement. We will do that as part of our standard scope of work to reduce both embodied and operational resource use for the assets we design and build.
- Adopt and support more regenerative principles, with the aim of achieving net zero in line with recognised standards. For buildings this should be in line with the UKGBC’s industry created definition of net-zero carbon.
- Work together with engineers, designers, clients, collaborators and supply chain to further reduce construction waste and transition to a circular economy.
- Accelerate the shift to low embodied carbon materials in all our work and promote meaningful actions that will lead to reducing embodied carbon by at least 40% by 2030.
- Work with clients, designers and supply chains to design out waste in the assets we design and build, and further reduce waste during their construction, operation and deconstruction by transitioning to a circular economy.

When should we set a net zero UK target?
Net zero is not a passing trend. Setting a target date for net zero emissions for all business vehicles by 2030 and construction activities by 2050 are an important step for our company.
It is part of a SER Contractor long-term shift to decarbonise economies in response to a climate emergency.
While innovation is still required in some sectors to achieve science-based targets that are in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, this should not prevent companies from taking action now to minimise greenhouse gas emissions while also actively considering significant shifts in their business model.
How does SER Contractor communicate our net zero targets?
Net zero targets demonstrate to our clients, employees and other key stakeholders how our business is transitioning towards a net zero economy and committing to ambitious action on climate change.
But as more and more companies announce net zero targets our communication will be under increasing scrutiny, so it is vital that we are transparent about the work we will be doing to achieve net zero and that our definition of net zero is in line with the growing consensus and the UK Energy Research Centre and government standards.
Publishing information about our target on our website will help support announcements in the media and for all stakeholders and partners.
We recommend keeping communication colleagues informed and ensuring they understand the work you are doing to mitigate any brand risk or greenwashing concerns.
2023 | 80% |
2025 | 60% |
2030 | 0% |